
Is your Robot good enough?

  • We can work together to improve the logical experience of your robot

  • Let's make it happen. Consider invest in robots to build the future you always wanted

  • Software: IA, Computer Vision Hardware: Servos, devices, sensors. We will build it for you

We forge Robots to make you happy

How to build muscles in robots?

Evolved Electrophysiological Soft Robots

This approach could potentially change the concept of the robots as we think will be. Voxels are like Pixels 2D but in 3D. If we are able to control electronically the shape of this boxes then we can copy any biological life and improve the resolution to the point you could not distinguish both.

Muscles made of crisps bags

In this example from National Geographic we could see how cheap and strong could be this muscles for a robotic skeleton, instead of using electric motors that are heavy, expensive, noisy, in general not optimal for this purposes.

Last but not least

Creative Machine Lab from Columbia University, came with a solution to reproduce human muscles in a pretty interesting way

Soft Actuator